
Feed the Ummah This Dhul Hijjah



Akram Aid is a registered UK Charity. We are a non-profit charitable organisation striving to improve lives across the globe. All our charitable work is carried out by a dedicated team of volunteers and in partnership with other charities that share the same ethos.

With the help of Allah and our generous Donors, we have helped many in Bangladesh, Egypt, Gambia, Gaza, India, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Syria, Uganda, Yemen and the UK. All our charitable projects are set up to support the poor, the vulnerable and the needy in their day to day lives.



The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said

“Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.”

[Narrated by al-Tirmidhi]

Donate to Ramadan Appeal and help feed your brothers and sisters in Gaza and Pakistan.

Save Lives by

Donating Today!

Voluntarily dedicating time to charity work is rewarding, especially when you see a smile on the face of a beneficiary when he/she knows that a burden has been lifted off their shoulders for a short while and easing their pain.

Tawakkal Allah! meaning Trust In God's Plan. We never worry about the numbers and try to help one person at a time. The rest we leave to Allah, which is why we firmly believe in "Tawakkal Allah".

Alhamdulillah, by the grace of God and with your generous donations our charity work has impacted many lives. We want to continue doing that, which is why we need your continued support so we can help the most vulnerable in our society.

See the list of our amazing projects below.


Water Appeal

Food Appeal

Widow Support

Orphan Support

Build a Masjid



We operate on a 100% donation policy basis via our network of volunteers. This means that ALL of your donation will go to the cause, with no deductions. We cover our costs like admin fees, marketing and all overheads from Sponsor donations, Auctions and Fundraising events. We also use Gift Aid to cover expenses and any excess Gift Aid funds are spent on charitable projects, especially to cover where there is a shortfall in donations to complete a project.

Why we need YOUR HELP?

9 out of 10

Syrians are currently living in poverty


Yemenis are malnourished

4 million

Orphans in Pakistan

1.1 million

Rohingyas are facing starvation

2 million

Locked in an open-air prison in Gaza

478 million

Africans living in extreme poverty



Akram Aid try their utmost to respond to natural and man-made disasters. We ask  the Almighty for His Mercy that He SWT keep us and our loved ones safe. However, if a disaster hits any community then after deliberating, Akram Aid will be at the forefront of helping our brothers and sisters in need, In’sha’allah. We pray the that Almighty protects the Ummah from all calamities. Ameen



Akram Aid distributes Zakat amongst the Muslim communities across the world. One of our most successful projects is the support of struggling families with Zakat donations in Rohingya in the form of cash handouts, as the third pillar of Islam teaches us. Your Zakat donations provide a lifeline to many families. Donate with confidence and help us change Muslim lives.